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linguistic form 語言形態〔如詞素、單詞、單語、句子等〕。

linguistic geographer

The third part examines foregrounded semantic features and some major foregrounding linguistic devices in news reporting discourse . the fourth part analyzes from a functional point of view how prominence is motivated , the relationship between context of situation and linguistic forms , and how particular linguistic forms favored in enr realize language function . the fifth part closes the whole dissertation with the expectation that the study should provide an advisable insight into stylistic studies in others domains 第一章介紹了新聞報道的主要關注對象、研究背景以及全篇論文所采用的分析方法;第二章詳細闡述了論文的理論基礎;第三章歸西南交通大學碩士研究生學位論文第頁納總結了英語新聞報道的主要突出方式;第四章從功能的角度分析了英語新聞報道的情景語境與語言特色的關系,并例證特定的語言突出方式對語言功能的實現;在第五章結束篇,作者指出,以語言功能和前景化理論為基礎的研究極具說服力,為其它語類的文體研究提供了一個行之有效的方法。

This thesis , centered on the stylistic value of fiction , expounds upon the relationship between linguistic form and the thematic significance and literary effects of literary works and , by comparing four different chinese versions of the awakening on such aspects as lexical level , syntactic level , focalization and mode of speech representation , aims to demonstrate that although stylistic analysis based on linguistic form has firstly done in poetry , it also works well in prose fiction 本文在吸收他人研究成果的基礎上對兩版本物理實驗教材進行深入研究,主要包括如下內容: 1課程組織和課程改革與發展的趨勢現代課程理論指出:課程組織有其相應的基本標準,分為水平組織的標準和垂直組織的標準兩部分。水平組織的基本標準為整合性,垂直組織的標準主要包括連續性和順序性。

This thesis will rely on previous studies of instructions on the general rules and language functions , and modification of teacher talk to carry on a multi - layer study on junior middle school teachers “ instructions with aspect of linguistic forms and language functions in chinese efl classrooms . after study on the transcriptions of 30 lectures ( 10 lectures are given by in - service teachers , 10 lectures are given by pre - service teachers and 10 lectures are given by the winners in fine - quality classroom competitions ) of efl classroom of junior middle schools in china , the major findings are : ( 1 ) the teachers likely use some devices with respect to prosody ( temporal variables ) , lexis , syntax and discourse to simplify and clarify the complex instructions to match the requirement of junior middle school students “ listening comprehension . ( 2 ) there are about three factors that cause the ineffective instructions 本文在前人的關于教師語言的調整,指令語及其表達功能的研究基礎上以何安平教授建立《中學英語教育語料庫( mstm ) 》中的近17 . 7萬字的子語庫《英語課堂教學語料庫( msee ) 》為研究語料,選擇了其中30節初中英語課為研究對象,對教師指令語的言語形式及其語言功能進行了較為深入的描述分析,發現: ( 1 )在音律層面,中國中學英語教師習慣川停頓來放慢語速或在一些難詞之前做停頓以便達到讓學生理解的要求:詞匯層面,教師慣用一些表達方式來給指令語;句法層面,教師也是盡量用簡單句來簡化指令語;語篇層面,初中英語課堂上教師常用一些信號詞來起始解釋性指令語,并少用宏觀語篇標記詞來幫助學生理解,但卻常用微觀語篇標記詞來吸引學生的注意力。

According to the critics ' active argumentations , the authors ' common practice , and the readers ' wide approval , the genres of literature , or genology , should be accepted as the types of literary - style , which include not only the style of linguistic form , but also the style of subject matter and content 根據歷來批評積極論證、作家共同踐行和讀者普遍認同,所謂“文學類型”或“文類”應理解為文學體例的類別,既包括語言形式的體例,又包括題材內容的體例。

It is proposed that no qualitative difference can be established between word ? formation rules and syntactic rules , since both types are capable of generating infinite sets of linguistic forms , both are recursive , and neither is subject to limitations on the length of the derivatives 但這并不表明兩者有質的差別,因為構詞規則和句法規則一樣,有生成無限集合的可能,有遞歸性,理論上沒有長度上的限制。

The decision - making dictation consists of asking groups of learners to contextually reconstruct a dictated discourse so as to accumulate as much information and to create as many accurate or acceptable linguistic forms as possible 此種決策式聽寫,允許學習者以小組為單位,聽取原文之后,不須逐字記錄,只要小組成員合作,寫下各種可被接受的(與原文相近的)語句內容即可。

The conceptualist view holds that there is no direct link between a linguistic form and what it refers to ; rather , in the interpretation of meaning they are linked through the mediation of concepts in the mind 意念論認為,語言形式及其所代表的對象之間(即語言與現實世界之間)沒有直接聯系;確切地說,在理解語義時,是通過大腦中存在意念這一中介物來聯系的。

However , when reading fictions , people are apt to neglect the function linguistic form may have in achieving stylistic effect on account of the story and plot 新世紀物理課程改革與發展的趨勢包含全面關注物理課程對人的發展價值、發揮物理課程結構的層次性和綜合性功能兩方面內容。

Compensation in translation is to make up for the semantic losses that occur in the course of converting the linguistic forms of the original language into those of the target 摘要由于英漢兩種語言及文化有著很大的差異,這就導致翻譯獨特性很強的漢語詩詞顯得尤為困難。

The target of english teaching is not only at mastery of linguistic forms , but also at building student ' s communicative capacity , namely the ability of linguistic use 英語教學的目的不僅是要使學生掌握語言形式,還要培養學生的交際能力,即運用語言的能力。

The main theoretic defect of ai qing ' s “ the prosaic beauty of poetry “ is that it slurs the boundary between the linguistic form of poetry and that of prose 艾青《詩的散文美》一文的理論缺失主要在于其抹殺了詩與散文語言形式的界限。